Configuration steps

Adding plugin

Standard Maven Compiler Plugin must be turned off and this plugin must be added.

                    <skipMain>true</skipMain> <!-- skip compile -->
                    <skip>true</skip> <!-- skip testCompile -->


Configuring Scala and Java sources locations

Scala and Java sources locations have to be configured. It has to be done using Maven’s standard source and test source roots settings (there are no separate settings for Java and for Scala source roots).

Java and Scala sources can be separated or mixed. It’s up to you, where you want to place them. Below are some common source layouts.

a) Scala only or Java and Scala mixed (in src/main/scala and src/test/scala):


b) Java and Scala separated (Java sources in src/main/java and src/test/java and Scala sources in src/main/scala and src/test/scala):

                            <goal>addScalaSources</goal> <!-- short equivalent of the more verbose version below -->

addScalaSources is a utility goal, a shortcut for (more verbose) configuration:


c) Java only (Java sources in src/main/java and src/test/java)

Nothing to configure.

Setting Scala library (and compiler) version

Scala library version resolution is performed in three steps.

a) can be specified as plugin’s configuration parameter:


or using property


b) if no version specified directly, project’s dependencies will be searched for scala-library and it’s versions used


c) if scala-library dependency was not found, default value will be selected depending on resolved SBT version.

Setting SBT version

SBT version resolution is performed in two steps.

a) can be specified as plugin’s configuration parameter:


or using property


b) if no version specified directly, default value 0.13.12 will be selected

Setting additional compiler options

a) Scalac and Javac options

                    <javacOptions>-g</javacOptions> <!-- "-g" is default value -->
                    <scalacOptions>-deprecation -unchecked</scalacOptions> <!-- "-deprecation -unchecked" is default value -->

b) source encoding

Source encoding can be specified in two ways:

as a property:


or in javacOptions and scalacOptions plugin’s configuration parameters (more verbose, not recommended):

                    <javacOptions>-g -encoding UTF-8</javacOptions>
                    <scalacOptions>-deprecation -unchecked -encoding UTF-8</scalacOptions>

c) source includes/excludes

                        <include>**/*.java</include> <!-- default value -->
                        <include>**/*.scala</include> <!-- default value -->